Are Blue Orchid Flowers Real? Do They Actually Exist?

Blue flowers are uniquely stunning to look at, and there are so many of them out there. I have received many questions regarding blue orchids from you guys, so we are talking about this today. Are blue orchid flowers real? I also know that many people have searched for the answer from various sources to … Read more

Rosemary Watering Guide – How To Water Rosemary Plants

Watering rosemary can be tricky because it enjoys dry soil, and frequent watering is not necessary. Many people asked me common questions like “how often to water rosemary” or “how much water does rosemary need”. To answer your doubt, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about watering rosemary today. 1. … Read more

Guide On How To Revive A Dying Peace Lily

Peace lilies are gorgeous and graceful indoor plants that look amazing in any room at home. Thriving in indirect light and shade, peace lilies are among beautiful indoor plants that are so easy to care for. However, don’t worry if your peace lily is dying, there are still ways to save it. You are going … Read more

Why Is My Aloe Plant Turning Brown?

So you wonder why your aloe plant starts to turn brown and wilt although you water them so much already. It is not a pleasant scene to see, is it? Aloe plants are actually one of the easy-growing plants that you can have indoor and outdoor. Watching them change from bright green to brown is … Read more

Overwatered Aloe Plant: Symptoms & Solutions To Save Them

Aloe plants are succulents which means they rather prefer to live in dry conditions, but their enthusiastic owners love to water them. An overwatered aloe plant can face several problems that can lead to their death without proper solutions to revive them. I want to discuss this matter today because overwatering aloe plants is one … Read more

Things To Know About Beefsteak Tomato Plant

Beefsteak tomato plant is a type of tomato that is large with thick flesh whose reputation is popular among home gardeners. This type of tomato is juicy, and you can get several large pieces per fruit which is ideal for many dishes. My favorite part about beefsteak tomatoes is that they taste amazing with every … Read more

15+ Best Indoor Types Of Cactus Plants With Images

Once you get into the succulent world, you definitely wonder what the different types of cactus are. I had the same questions before and I am here today to give you the answers. When searching, you will come across so many types of cacti that you can choose from to grow. These hardy plants are … Read more

Guide On How To Get Rid Of Mold On Plant Soil

Knowing how to get rid of mold on plant soil is crucial because white mold on plants is an utter nightmare for all gardeners. As one of the most common issues that plant owners experience, this is an important knowledge to be aware of. This is why I am here to tell you the causes … Read more

Snow Queen Pothos: Caring & Growing Tips

Snow queen pothos is one of the best indoor plants that I often recommend for those who want to start small. These pothos plants are durable yet inexpensive, and they are very easy to take care of. Even better, snow queen pothos makes amazing air purifiers so you can have a whole collection of these … Read more

Bamboo Care: Why Is My Bamboo Turning Yellow?

Bamboo is pretty when its leaves are bright green, but it can be a problem when the leaves turn yellow. No matter if you have it in the garden or room, this can be a concerning problem. Healthy bamboo has dazzling leaves and hollow stems, and you can make them look like that with proper … Read more