How To Grow & Care For Buttercup Flower

Although poisonous, buttercup flowers are very attractive and gorgeous to grow in the garden. All parts of these bright flowers are poisonous to both humans and animals, and they can cause blistering of the mouth. The special thing about yellow buttercup flowers is that they have a pool of nectar on the bottom part of their petals. You cannot find this unique trait in any other yellow flowers at all. Just one of the reasons why bees love them, and below is how you can grow a butter plant at home.

Buttercup Flower Growing Methods

Despite producing a vast amount of beauty, growing buttercup plant from seed is not that simple. This is why most gardeners plant them by dividing mature plants and transplanting tubers instead. Another way to grow buttercup flowers is by purchasing bulbs from the nurseries, and it is more convenient for many.

If you go for the former, make sure to divide the plants in spring or fall. As for the latter, you want to choose bulbs that are big and sturdy. The larger the bulb, the more plants are inside which is exactly what you want.

How To Grow Buttercup Flowers

  • Before planting, clear the site by cleaning debris, fallen leaves, and weeds from the area.
  • The location where you grow buttercups should have proper light, soil, and weather requirements for the plant.
  • First, use a sharp spade to cut directly down the plant which separates the roots. Doing so will form multiple smaller plants from the one that is overgrown.
  • Then loosen the soil where it is ready to receive a bulb, root, or tuber division. Place the bulb or tuber in a way that the pointy end is directed into the soil. You want to plant them at approximately two inches deep.

Growing Buttercups From Seed

  • Begin by sowing the seeds in nursery trays then cover them with a thin layer of soil.
  • Cover the trays with plastic wrap then refrigerate them for 3 weeks. During those times, water them lightly but not too often.
  • Then replace the plastic wrap with a glass cover then find a shady spot to place them in. Once the seedlings start to appear, they are ready for you to transplant.

Growing Buttercups From Roots

  • Easy and simple, dig holes for your buttercup roots approximately 2 inches deep. The width should be big enough to fit the bulb.
  • Put buttercup bulbs in the holes, make sure the roots point downward then use soil to cover. Give them a lot of water but do not overwater to prevent root rot.


If you plant them in the garden, make sure to keep a space of a half foot between each plant. This distance is for divisions or tubers from bulbs, you will need a space of one foot apart for bulbs.

As for the time, plant them after the threat of frost is over or in the fall before the ground has frozen. The plants will remain dormant during that time until the temperatures are 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day at 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night. When that happens, the buttercup plant’s dormancy is over and the blooming will begin.

How To Care For Buttercup Flowers

Growing buttercup flowers is fairly easy, but you should also pay attention to the care as well. There will be a few important things that you have to have in mind to ensure that your buttercup flowers flourish.


Deadheading is very important when you grow any plants, especially in the garden. Simply put, deadhead is when you remove dead flower heads from a plant to make room for new growth. On top of that, it also keeps your plants blooming healthily as well which is a total plus. You can begin deadheading in late spring and summer by cutting the stem off at the crown of spent flowers. Regular practice of deadhead will promote continuous flowering, and you will love it.


Knowing how to care for buttercup flowers requires you to know how to fertilize your plant properly. For buttercups, the only and perfect time to fertilize them is in spring. When the season comes, fertilize them once a month throughout spring. This will give your buttercups the boost of nutrients they need to keep blooming. The convenient thing about a buttercup plant is that it does not require any special type of fertilizer at all. You can use any all-purpose or general fertilizer, and it blooms beautifully for you all year long.


Could be quite different from many flowers out there, a buttercup plant needs cooler temperatures to thrive. This is why mulch is an important factor in this part, it helps retain moisture and provide buttercups with what they need. When you surround the plant in mulch, the soil temperatures will be cooler which gives a pleasant environment for growth.

One of the main reasons to keep the temperatures cool is that it provides a longer bloom cycle. This is also why it is advisable to cover the entire buttercup plant with mulch when winter sets in. It ensures that the root system is protected from harsh extreme temperatures during the winter months.


A buttercup plant will continue to produce, and you can pull up the buttercup tubers once all the leaves have died off. This is to ensure that the plants remain healthy, and it is quite easy to use. Place the tubers in a cool and dry location so that the moisture to be sucked out of them. At the same time, it will also prevent mold from forming and keep the tubers in a quality shape. That way, you will be able to plant them in the next season. When spring comes, just follow the same planting process on how to grow butter flowers.


At the time of planting, be sure to water the plants. The important thing to have in mind is to not overwater the plant which can lead to root rot. When watering, keep the soil moist for your buttercups to grow but not too much that the soil is damp. Check the soil regularly to avoid it from drying out to prevent shock. Another important thing to have in mind is that you have to stop watering them at the end of the blooming period. This is usually in late spring to early summer, when the leaves turn yellow.

Buttercup Flowers Diseases & Pests

Proper care is one thing, attacks from diseases and pests are another factor to have in mind. The good thing about buttercups is that they are hardy and self-sustained so there are not too many things to worry about. Some of the most common enemies of buttercup flowers that you should watch out for are:


  • Powdery Mildew: Both powdery mildew and rust are fungal diseases caused due to lack of airflow. You can notice the first sign of powdery mildew when you see pale yellow leaf spots that quickly expand into large blotches. To treat it, remove the damaged parts of the plant then use a fungicide. After that, begin to thin out your buttercups to provide better airflow around them.
  • Root Rot: There will be two main causes that can lead to root rot: overwatering and poor-draining soil. If you grow them in a pot, you want to make sure that the pots have drainage holes. As for the garden, you may want to reduce the frequency of watering first. Should it not get better, then you will need to find a new location and transplant them. Before you transplant, cut away any rotten portion of the root system. Then place your buttercup plant in the afternoon sun to dry out, there is a possibility to save your plants although not 100%.


  • Aphids: are very common pests in most gardens, and they attack a number of plants. These persistent pests live on the sap of your plants and cause them to discolor before death. You can deal with aphids by spraying buttercup flowers with soapy water followed by insecticide.
  • Birds: As the buttercup flowers begin to sprout, the birds will attack them which is quite normal when spring comes. To prevent this, you will need to cover your buttercups with bird netting so that your flowers are safe. And if scarecrows work, you can DIY one too.
  • Leaf Miners: will leave a design in the foliage of your buttercups. For small infestations, you can treat them with insecticidal soap with ease. In case the infestations are large, then you will need to get physical. Run your index finger and thumb along the designs in your leaves to remove them. Then find the little tunnels where you can squish those pests as you trace the design.
  • Spider Mites: are so tiny so it is difficult to spot them at first until it is a little too late. Try to spot the web strings around the plants that are the homes of the spider mites. Same with aphids, you can spray soapy water or use insecticidal soap to get rid of them.

You will come across several varieties of buttercup flowers to choose from, and it is the first thing to know. The varieties allow you to grow the right buttercup plant based on your location as well as your personal preferences.

Aconite Leaf Buttercup

Not all Ranunculus have yellow buttercup flowers, the white ones are available for you to grow too. In spring, aconite leaf buttercups have copious intricate white saucer-shaped flowers with light yellow in the center. The nice thing about this buttercup plant is that its dark green leaves produce many branching stems. Its flowers complement your garden really well, and it is so easy to grow. Don’t forget to make sure that the soil is moist, and keep them in partial sunlight for healthy growth.

Bulbous Buttercup

Bulbous buttercup is among yellow buttercup flowers with bright yellow flowers with downturned sepals underneath the petals. For this buttercup plant, you want the soil to be fresh so that it can grow beautifully and healthily. The soil should be nutritious and well-drained so the best type should be on chalk, limestone, and sunny grasslands. The blooming season is from mid-May to June, and each flower contains 20-30 seeds.

One important thing to have in mind is that a bulbous buttercup plant is the most toxic in the family. It is poisonous if eaten fresh but not harmful when dried in hay.

Meadow Buttercup

Here we have one of the varieties of yellow buttercup flowers that you will surely love. Meadow buttercup plant is tall, and it has buttery-yellow flowers that are common in gardens, meadows, and pastures. This variety grows so dense if the soil is calcareous and damp, and it flowers between April and October.

Persian Buttercup

Looking so beautiful and unique, Persian buttercups are favorites among many gardens out there. This variety is available in many colors such as cream, orange, pale yellow, pink, purple, and red. It has multiple layers of delicate and crepe paper-thin petals, and it blooms for about 4 to 7 weeks. The blooming season is from late spring to early summer, and a single Persian buttercup plant has up to 35 flowers. You can plant them in the garden as borders and flower beds, and they look incredibly elegant and gorgeous.

Final Thoughts

Buttercup flowers are one of the best blooms that attract pollinators to your garden and space. More than that, buttercups are also incredible at attracting the rays of the sun which will bring more pollinators as well. Not to mention that there are many varieties that you can choose from, and your home will look absolutely gorgeous. With all the tips and tricks above, growing buttercups will be easy and simple for you.